About the Natural Thinkers programme

Natural Thinkers is a programme that supports teachers and practitioners in connecting children with nature.

Our programme is different because it builds a framework around what schools and settings are already doing in different areas of the curriculum, particularly with a focus on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and maths). We enable teachers and practitioners to bring all aspects of the curriculum outside with accessible activities.

We want all teachers and practitioners to feel empowered to connect children to nature using a whole-school approach from EYFS until Key Stage 2. The school and its community can nurture and educate a generation who appreciate the natural environment and therefore understand how to protect our planet. 


What do we do to make teachers feel confident in the outdoors?

  • Demonstrate how to teach all areas of the curriculum outdoors while improving learning outcomes for all.
  • Use our 10 Commitments framework to support teachers in developing their practice.
  • Explore the perceived obstacles to providing high quality learning outdoors and provide solutions.
  • Examine the need for challenge and risk in children’s play and how it can be assessed. 
  • Take into account the benefits of risk so that you can create more balanced approaches when teaching and learning outdoors.
  • Enable parents, carers, practitioners, and the community to take children to the park and green spaces within their local area.

Natural Thinkers working with Lambeth Early Action Partnership (LEAP)

The Natural Thinkers programme has been developed for use for the under 3s. We have been working with childcare settings in the LEAP area, focusing on developing the prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS);


  • Communication and language development
  • Personal social and emotional development
  • Physical development


During the training, attending practitioners learn about the benefits of outdoor learning on children’s speech, wellbeing, and involvement. Practitioners learn how to monitor children’s progress and to use a communication and language tool to assess if a child needs further support or a referral to the speech and language team.


If you work in a school in Lambeth, look at the LEAP website to see if you could be eligible for LEAP training. 


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